Birthing the self
Ediciones La Llave

A therapeutic proposal
inspired by the metaphor of birth
David Barba
CEO of Ediciones La Llave
“With his debut, Cherif Chalakani proves to be one of the deepest and most experienced therapy professionals I have encountered: he is wise in the humanist dimension of the term, a master of body movement and rebirth, with an extraordinary capacity to be present and practice conscious attention.”
Claudio Naranjo
Psychiatrist, musician, author
“In my old age, it is a pleasure to see people build on the lessons of my teachings, and do so as creative beings and not as imitators. I celebrate that, among my spiritual children, Cherif places focus on movement, an aspect that I have not addressed significantly in my experience and work. (…) Books like Cherif’s are like water in the desert, and the work he introduces and teaches give us hope for a future where our common good will depend not only on our comfort and security, but on how much we pursue what Christianity called ‘the Kingdom.’”
“Espacios Nacientes is the fruit of deep intuition, interwoven with personal experience, and with the contemplative understanding of someone who has looked deeply into something to pursue its essence, with the expertise of the lessons acquired and experienced through life. A fruit that has matured with much love and kindness and has deeply touched many people, allowing them to integrate themselves in the ‘trinity of love’ that produces a significant change in their lives.”
Antoni Aguilar
“Espacios Nacientes has allowed me to discover how to use the subtle, gentle and respectful body work that Cherif proposes to achieve a deep and intimate conscience in the body and to be present. I see Espacios Nacientes as the most transpersonal part of body work. It provides the clarity required to realize that what we need is already part of our energy drive.”
Cherif Chalakani: From being a lost child in exile to feeling at home in the body
Interview published in English in the journal of the Master's program "Peace Studies" of the University of Innsbruck. (published 01/09/ 2019) Done by : Sophie Friedel. On Cherif Chalakani Cherif Chalakani is working with sensations, emotions and spaces of...